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Solidarität mit den südkoreanischen Gewerkschaften weltweit
Die zahlreichen Solidaritätserklärungen mit dem südkoreanischen Gewerkschaftsbund KCTU und dessen von der Polizei verfolgten Vorsitzenden werden immer mehr – und kommen aus allen Ecken dieser Welt. In der Solidaritätserklärung „In Solidarity with KCTU and Construction Workers and Public Service Unions“ vom 23. November 2015 unterstreicht das Internationale gewerkschaftliche Netzwerk für Solidarität und Kampf, dass es sowohl die Angriffe der südkoreanischen Regierung auf den KCTU, sowie insbesondere die Gewerkschaften der Bauarbeiter und der öffentlichen Bediensteten verurteilt, als auch die Polizeiüberfälle auf die Gewerkschaftsdemonstration am 14. November und danach auf Gewerkschaftsbüros. Die nationalen Protestaktionen, die der KCTU zusammen mit zahlreichen sozialen Bewegungen für den 5. Dezember in Seoul vorbereitet werden begrüßt – und versichert, dass entsprechende Solidaritätsaktionen, weit über das geschriebene Wort hinaus, in einer ganzen Reihe von Ländern vor südkoreanischen Einrichtungen stattfinden werden:
In Solidarity with KCTU and Construction Workers
and Public Service Unions
International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles
23. November 2015
International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles fully support korean social movement and KCTU trade union confederation organising demonstrations and strikes to widespread social regression promoted by the government of Park which consists of. regressive labour reform bill for easier dismissal, lower wage and more precarious employment.
On November 14, 2015, the police tried to stop a 130,000 People’s Mass Mobilization by blocking, with police roadblocks, the mobilization at 2 km distance from the Presidential House. The Police shot water cannon containing a mixture of an incapacitant spray at the protesters and around 100 were injured. A 69 year old man is in a coma.
During the event 51 comrades were arrested, and the court granted arrest warrant against 6 of them, this include members of Korean Federation of Construction Industry Trade Unions(KFCITU) and the Korean Government Employees Union(KGEU).
The President of the KCTU, Han Sang-gyun, because he is the representative of the KCTU was the subject of an arrest warrant in June. The arrest warrant was turned to a detention warrant on Nov 11, 3 days before the National Workers Rally and the People’s Mass Mobilization. Special Task Force tried to arrest him at the march. He took refuge in the headquarters of the Korean Buddhist order and remains protected there.
40 union activists suspected of protecting Han Sang-gyun had their home raided. 8 seats union federations were raided in the early hours of the event. Computer equipment was seized there in numbers.
The international trade union Solidarity Network supports the struggles and decisions KCTU:
- Call for a new general strike in December in parallel to the government legislative calendar.
- KCTU will join the 2nd National People’s Mass Mobilization on December 5
- Fight against all the crackdowns and intimidations by the police against the KCTU members intend to discourage to participate in the upcoming general strike and the mass mobilization in December.
International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles will organize solidarity moment with the South Korean unions and mass mobilization scheduled Saturday, December 5, 2015. International Labour Network of Solidarity and Struggles will put in front freedom of expression, organization and demonstration for workers and their organizations!
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