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70 Jahre Hiroshima: Erst recht ein Grund, gegen Abes Aufrüstung Widerstand zu leisten
Atomkrieg verhindern und AKWs abschaffen – durch Arbeitereinheit und Internationale Solidarität: Das ist der Aufruf des Organisationskomitees der Hiroshima Großaktion und der oppositionellen Eisenbahnergewerkschaft Doro-Chiba vom Juli 2015 zum landesweiten Protesttag gegen die Remilitarisierung Japans durch die Abe-Regierung am 70. Jahrestag des Bombenabwurfs in Hiroshima. Siehe dazu den englischen Text des Aufrufs aus dem Doro Chiba Quake Report Nummer 65 vom Juli 2015:
Appeal for August 6 Hiroshima Grand Action – 70th Anniversary of A-bombing
Stop Atomic War and abolish all Nuclear Power Plants by workers’ unity and international solidarity
July 2016
Organizing Committee of the Hiroshima Grand Action
To the people of the world struggling against nuke and war.
We are in the midst of the fight against Abe administration who rushes into changing Japan to the war state again at just the 70 years since the end of World War II, and restarting the nuclear power plants.
Right at this time, the 70 years since the end of World War II and the 70th anniversary of atomic bombing, world capitalist system has come to a dead end, and the new crisis of world atomic war have been deepening by the wars triggered in Middle East, Ukraine and East Asia. Being stirred up by this situation, Abe administration has been promoting to tramp and scrap Article 9 of the Constitution which renounces any war and to bulldoze the war bill through the Diet for approving the exercise of the right to collective selfdefense.
Now, however, angry voice and struggle against neoliberalism which is the common enemy of workers and people, is prevailing over the world. “Stop mass firing!” “Raise pay!” “Stop privatization and casualization!” “Take safety measures!” “No more war!”
Workers and farmers in China are waging strikes and demonstrations day after day, and Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) is standing up for overthrowing the Park Geun-hye administration through consecutive general strikes, and workers in Greece are struggling unyieldingly against the coercion of austerity measures.
We, workers in Japan, with Doro-Chiba and Doro-Sorengo (Federation of National Railway Motive Power Unions) in the lead, are standing up for revitalizing the militant labor movement in all workplaces, and overthrowing the Abe administration by international solidarity and the struggle for general strike.
The Fukushima nuclear accident caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, resulted in massive radioactive contamination. The health hazard from internal exposure to people is becoming more and more serious. Despite such devastating situation, the Abe administration has been suppressing the growing anger and protest movements of Fukushima people and now intends to restart a nuclear power plant in Kyushu in this coming August.
Doro-Mito, the railway union in the radiation-stricken area, has repeatedly waged strikes to stop the re-opening of rail truck near Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. In the midst of their struggle against radiation-exposed work, they could finally build a bond with nuclear plant workers. Nuclear power plants as well as other facilities for nuclear weapons inherently require radiation exposure of workers. Without their work, nuclear facilities cannot exist. The struggle against radiation–exposed work will build international solidarity of workers to stop nuclear wars and also decommission all nuclear power plants in the world.
On August 6 in Hiroshima, the far right group members are preparing to develop a fascist agitation before citizens’ eyes in close collusion with the Abe administration—“We need constitutional amendment to arm ourselves with nuclear weapons. This is the way never to happen Hiroshima again”. Those fascists with the Abe administration are afraid of the increasing anger of workers against nuclear bombs and wars. So they are contriving to remake labor movement into a war support association. We won’t let
August 6 Hiroshima Grand Action last year