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Am 1. November in Japan: Jährlicher Kampftag der Alternativgewerkschaften
Die Solidarity Union of Japan Construction and Transport Workers Kansai Area Branch (Kan-Nama), Metal and Machinery Workers‘ Union in Osaka (Minato-Godo), National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba (Doro-Chiba), und das Nationwide Movement of National Railway Struggle rufen zum alljährlichen Kampftag alternativer Gewerkschaften am 1. November in Tokio auf. Der Aufruf „We want to Live! Stop War and Privatization! Overthrow Abe! Organize Militant Labour Union all around the Country!“ vom 1. Oktober 2015 gibt bereits in den Losungen der Überschrift die Kernpunkte des Kampftages wieder: Der Kampf gegen die Kriegspolitik der Regierung Abe, gegen Privatisierung und neue Atomkraftwerke und – erstmals – der Aufruf zur Organisierung landesweiter kämpferischer Gewerkschaften: Ein Ergebnis der deutlichen Fortschritte, die diese und andere Alternativgewerkschaften in den letzten Jahren gemacht haben.
We Want to Live! Stop War and Privatization! Overthrow Abe!
Organize Militant Labor Unions All Around the Country!
Reinstate 1,047 fired railway workers!Stop outsourcing! Abolish irregular employment!
Stop war bill! Stop revision of labor laws!
Refuse irradiated work! Abolish all nuclear power plants!
Strike! Organize Doro-Sorengo (Federation of National Railway Motive PowerUnions) throughout the country!
Time: Sunday, November 1, 12:00 noon
Place: Hibiya Open-air Concert Hall, Tokyo
Sponsored by:
Solidarity Union of Japan Construction and Transport Workers Kansai Area Branch (Kan-Nama), Metal and Machinery Workers‘ Union in Osaka (Minato-Godo), National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba (Doro-Chiba), and Nationwide Movement of National Railway Struggle
Stop war by workers‘ strike!
On June 15 and 16, the Abe Administration railroaded the war bill in the Lower House. Over 100,000 people in front of the Parliament Building and hundreds of thousand people at numerous places all around the country protested against this outrageous war mongering. Abe glorified the history of Japan’s aggressive wars and colonial domination in his WWII 70thAnniversary Statement. It is a declaration for constitutional revision and a fresh war. Angry voices against the Abe Administration grow bigger and bigger.
The focus is on the labor unions.
It was the Division and Privatization of the Japan National Railways in 1987 that opened the floodgates of neoliberalism—the source of all destruction of society and livelihoods today.
We condemn the Supreme Court’s Denial of Appeal! Starts Victorious Struggle Now!
On June 30, the Supreme Court denied Doro-Chiba’s appeal of Japan Railways‘ employment discrimination case at the time of the Division and Privatization of JNR. This reactionary decision is made in concert with railroading of war legislation. It is meant to destroy national railway struggle and dismantle militant labor movement at large. However, the Court was obliged to clearly admit that the JR and the state power itself had committed thereby unfair labor practices. We have cornered the state power! Let’s start victorious national railway struggle now!
Organize Doro-Sorengo throughout the Country! Fight back Destruction of Safety and Outsourcing!
It is high time to revive militantlabor unions, with national railway struggle at its helm. Doro-Chiba is determined to launch a strike against the brutal assaults on workers only comparable to the assaults during the Division and Privatization of JNR, or “the second D & P.”
The scheme ofthe D & P has proved today to be a complete fiasco. JR Hokkaido has no measure in face of its total collapse of safety. JR East is in a same quandary. On April 12, a power pole of Yamanote Line—busiest cash cow of JR East in Tokyo—fell down. On August 4, a power line of Keihin-Tohoku Line—another busiest metropolitan line—was broken. On August 18, cables got fire near Tachikawa Station, and on and on.
These accidents of JR East are results of outsourcing and casualization of employment forced throughsince 1999. Doro-Chiba, however, has been fighting back against outsourcing for 15 years and forced the company to delay its outsourcing plan in repair and inspection jobs and driving in the yards. Now Doro-Chiba is facing with outsourcing of drivers‘ joband abolition of rural lines. Doro-Chiba will fight against “the second D & P” with strike and organizing new members.
Doro-Mito has been striking to refuse work exposed to radiation. Doro-Sorengo (Federation of National Railway Motive Power Unions) will launch strikes all around the country. It is such struggle that reviveslabor movement and therewith stopsconstitutional revision and war.
Revive Militant Labor Unions! Build a Nationwide Network!
The Self-Defense Forces, during their stationing in Iraq in 2004 through 2006, contracted out the transportation of military cargo to their Camp Samawa to Japanese private companies including Nippon Express. If there were labor unions that fought against war collaboration, the military transportation could have been stopped. Strike of rank and file workers has the power to stop war.
November 1 National All-out Workers‘ Rally is being organized by Solidarity Union of Japan Construction and Transport Workers Kansai Area Branch (Kan-Nama), Metal and Machinery Workers‘ Union in Osaka (Minato-Godo), National Railway Motive Power Union of Chiba (Doro-Chiba)and Nationwide Movement of National Railway Strugglein order to revive militant labor unions and build nationwide network of them. Join the rally and fight togetherwith us! Stop war by workers‘ strike!