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Proteste zum 6. Jahrestag von Fukushima werden vorbereitet: Japanische Regierung macht Opfer zu Tätern – und schmeißt den Tätern Geld hinterher
„Die Abe-Regierung, die darauf drängt, die seit dem Unglück weiter ausgeschalteten AKW wieder anzufahren, ist offenbar bereit, die Atomenergie koste es, was es wolle, als Energiequelle zu erhalten. Die Kredite sollen auf insgesamt 14 Billionen Yen, über 110 Milliarden Euro, angehoben werden, damit der Konzern zahlungsfähig bleibt und die stark ansteigenden Kosten für Entschädigungen und vor allem für die Entsorgung stemmen kann. Die Kosten des Unglücks werden nun auf mehr als 20 Billionen Yen veranschlagt, 2013 war man noch von „nur“ 11 Billionen ausgegangen (Die Kosten explodieren). Wie Japan Times jetzt berichtet, wurden auch die Tepco-Stromkunden mit gestiegenen Stromkosten tatkräftig zur Rettung des Konzerns herangezogen. Seit der Erhöhung der Tarife haben die Kunden 2,4 Billionen Yen, fast 20 Milliarden Euro, zusätzlich an den Konzern gezahlt, um mit dem Fukushima-Unglück verbundene Kosten zu begleichen“ – aus dem Artikel „Japans Pro-Atom-Regierung rettet mit immer mehr Steuergeld Tepco vor dem Ruin“ von Florian Rötzer am 02. Januar 2017 bei telepolis
, worin im weiteren Verlauf nicht nur eine ganze Reihe konkreter Zahlen berichtet werden, sondern auch die Politik der Abe-Regierung dargestellt und kritisiert wird, die Opfer in die nicht vorhandene Normalität zu zwingen. Siehe dazu auch einen Aufruf zur Unterstützung der Kampagne zum sechsten Jahrestag der Fukushima Katastrophe, die sich gegen diese Politik richtet: Von einem Netzwerk, dem auch die alternative Eisenbahnergewerkschaft Doro Chiba angehört:
Call for Endorsement of and Participation in Anti-Nuclear Plant
(Im folgenden Aufruf der Anti-Nuke Fukushima Action zum 11. März, dem 6.Jahrestag der Katstrophe steht die Kritik an der Abe-Regierung und deren Politik der diktierten Normalität im Mittelpunkt: In diesem Jahr werden die Menschen zwangsweise zurück geschickt und – als Beispiel – die Präfektur von Fukushima wird im März 2017 jegliche finanzielle Unterstützung der Geflüchteten einstellen. Beide Haltungen, wie auch die gesamte, Politik rufen immense Empörung hervor, was in dem Aufruf abschließend mit einem Vergleich zu den Entwicklungen in Südkorea dokumentiert wird)
Fukushima Action on March 11th, 2017
December 1st, 2016
In the early hours of November 22nd, 2016, a 7.4-magnitude earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima coastline, which caused the spent fuel cooling systems of the Fukushima Daini (No.2) Nuclear Power Plant third reactor to stop. This immediately brought us back to March 11th five years ago—the catastrophic nuclear accident.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) concealed the fact for two days that the cooling system was halted due to water leakage. They also kept secret for three days that a tsunami of 1.6 meters (5.2 feet) had hit the Fukushima Daiichi (No.1) Nuclear Power Plant at that moment. We are now forced to realize that we have no way out, and at the same time, feel deep anger against the outrageous behavior of the government and TEPCO.
We absolutely cannot entrust our future to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who does not take responsibility for this and instead keeps pushing for the restart of nuclear plants and rushes towards war.
It is reported that Fukushima children whose families have “voluntarily” evacuated from Fukushima are exposed to serious bullying in their new lives outside their hometowns. This unforgiveable situation is wholly ascribable to the government’s inaccurate, groundless “safety campaign” that has abandoned Fukushima and isolated the victims from the rest of the population. Now is the time for us working-class people to unite to abolish all nuclear power plants and take back our future.
- We are holding the Anti-Nuclear Plant Fukushima Action on March 11th, 2017.
- The main slogan is: “Fight Back! Defend the Right to Evacuation, Life and our Children’s Future!”
- We call for your endorsement of and participation in this action.
- We protest against the forced return to the Fukushima hot zone where people are still forcibly exposed to radiation! We won’t allow the termination of thyroid examination!
The government is now forcing all evacuees to return to their hometowns except for the so-called “difficult-to-return zone.” Moreover, the Fukushima prefectural government has announced it will stop providing free housing at the end of March 2017 to nuclear “voluntary evacuees.” Although 175 Fukushima children have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer or suspected cases, the Fukushima prefectural government is planning to scale down thyroid ultrasound examination. Many Fukushima people, including those thyroid cancer patients who have continued to suffer, are now erupting in anger.
Led by Fukushima Collaborative Clinic, we have launched a petition to protest the forced exposure and return of evacuees, while working toward realizing March 11th Anti-Nuclear Plant Fukushima Action. It is time to bring together all our angry voices as one and turn it into a great source of strength.
We don’t need the Olympic Games in Tokyo in this explosive situation! Let’s wage a general strike like the Korean people’s general strikes!
In South Korea, 1-2 million workers, students and farmers are demanding the immediate resignation of President Park Geun-hye, led by the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), including Korean Railway Workers’ Union (KRWU), which has continued to wage general strikes.
“We cannot live any longer” is the angry voice of young workers and students in South Korea, who are confronting rampant irregular employment and poverty. They are now the driving force of the decisive struggle at the crossroad of history: the eve of a proletarian revolution, the age of war or revolution. The same situation and task is shared in Japan, the U.S and the whole world with the Korean working-class people.
By 2020, the year of the Tokyo Olympic Games, JR is intending to resume all services on the Joban Line, which passes close to the wrecked Fukushima Daiich Nuclear Power Plant. With repeated strikes in order to refuse to work in conditions that would expose them to radiation, Doro-Mito workers have been fighting to prevent this plan. They proudly feel it is their responsibility to defend all crews, passengers and residents from the disastrous restart of the JR Joban Line.
We call on workers in local government, education, health care, infrastructure construction, transportation and more who have been pressured by the policies of the “return home” propaganda campaign in their respective work places, to fight against this forcible work under radioactive conditions by waging strikes led by unions.
The government-subsidized apartments for “voluntary evacuees” will be cut off with the intention of forcing these evacuees to return home. Now we face the problem of whether or not local government unions can resist the policy of forcing these evacuees.
TEPCO recently admitted high school students, accompanied by teachers, visit the premises of the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant and even without wearing protective clothing against radioactive dust. It is the teachers’ union that must wrestle against such an atrocious policy.
If the nuclear power plant workers set up a new union and if we wage a general strike together, it will give birth to a future vision of a new society of our own.
On the sixth anniversary of March 11th, let’s fight now to take everything back. Let’s gather all the angry people for the success of the Anti-Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima Action on March 11th, 2017. Please join us.