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VIO.ME -Aktionstage
Nationwide two days of struggle and solidarity:
Sunday, May 11 at the VIOME factory
*10.00 **to** 15.00*, Nationwide Assembly of the employees and the solidarity supporters of the VIOME Social Cooperative: The prospects of the struggle.
*17.00 **to** 21.00*: Event with participants from other striving sections of society (e,g., Movement against the goldmines of Chalkidiki, Movement against the water privatization, etc.
*21.30:* Concert for economic assistance
*Monday, May 12 at 09:00:*
Gathering outside the courts of Thessaloniki
*The charges must be dismissed and the struggling workers of VIOME mustbe vindicated.*
*Open factories in the hands of the workers*
For fifteen months now, a small factory in Thessaloniki has been carving a different path in the reality of the labour and social movement in the country. For fifteen months the factory of the Vio.Me. is under full workers‘ control and self-management by the in the general assembly of its workers. A place of exploitation of the toil and sweat of workers, is being turned into a space of freedom. A place of strict hierarchy is being turned into a space egalitarianism and direct democracy. A place of strict capitalist discipline is being turned into an example for social liberation.
These fifteen months, and the two and a half years of the VIOME workers‘ struggle get the factory into their own hands, have taught us a lot, and first of all what it takes for a struggle to be winning:
- The determination of the workers who or over two years now are inside the factory every day and every night striving to truly make it truly their own .
- Direct democracy, equality for all, above and beyond specific industrial skills, race, gender and age, so that each employee has full responsibility for the decisions made by the Assembly as an active component and agent of this assembly.
- The clear perception and understanding that labour needs do not fit in the promises of the bosses, as well as the awareness that nothing will be granted to us if we do not create it with our hands!
- The awareness that the struggle is not only for the workers but also for the majority of society affected by the dominant interests and policies. The awareness that our eyes must be turned both inside the factory, butequally so the broader society.
These fifteen months have also taught us to distinguish friends from enemies. To distinguish the thousands of ordinary workers and unemployed who embraced the project throughout Greece and internationally and stand in solidarity to us from the Arteriosclerosis of the bureaucracy that keeps on justifying and empowering the class of the employers. To distinguish the hundreds of our registered solidarity supporters from those who revile our project and its prospects. To distinguish the many initiatives of solidarity organized throughout Greece in order to support our struggle from those who who wait on the corner for the system to the crush this struggle.
Today, the struggle of the VIOME factory has opened a new chapter. The over 800 solidarity supporters from across the country create a unique phenomenon of solidarity.
The workers‘ control in production is combined with social support in the most pure and organic way.
It is today, however, that the VIOME factory struggle needs us all more than ever. The ex-employers, along with the state and some workers who have, unfortunately, sided with the bosses, are altogether legally persecuting the VIOME project. On May 12th, they are dragging the VIOME workers to the courts. What they demand is a court order against the workers‘ right to a decent employment and living. They seek to put an end to our struggle and have the factory closed. They want to silence a live working example of emancipation.
But who are those who dare to oppose the just struggle of the workers?
They are the industrialist bosses of the Philippou family who haven’t given a damn from the money they owe to the VIOME workers for two and a half years now and their bought out minions who are betraying their own union, their own class brothers.
And what is the reason for this attempted blow on the VIOME workers‘ struggle? It is because today the humiliation of the workforce is reaching its extreme limits. It is because today the government and the bosses, hand in hand, are crushing our needs of work, education and health. It is because today one and a half million unemployed are on the brink of total despair. It is because today they want to impose a gag onto society by means of the utmost suppression by the riot police and the state prosecutors. It is because today they demand from us to stoop our heads more than ever before so that they can burden us with the proliferation of their profits.
It is obvious that they can not tolerate any more a struggle the message of which becomes stronger and stronger each day it stays alive : *Open factories in the hands of the workers!*
*Worker you can do without bosses!*
For all these reasons, the Open Solidarity Initiative of the VIOME workers is calling for a: Nationwide two days of struggle and solidarity:
*Sonday, May 11 at the VIOME factory:*
*10.00 **to** 15.00*, Nationwide Assembly of the employees and the solidarity supporters of the VIOME Social Cooperative: The prospects of the struggle.
*17.00 **to** 21.00*: Event with participants from other striving sections of society (e,g., Movement against the goldmines of Chalkidiki, Movement against the water privatization, etc.
*21.30:* Concert for economic assistance
*Monday, May 12 at 09:00:*
Gathering outside the courts of Thessaloniki
*The charges must be dismissed and the struggling workers of VIOME mustbe vindicated.*
*Hands off the VIOME factory workers! *
*We are striving for:*
*Workers‘ self-management in every workplace*
*Unions from below with direct democracy and against the pattern of government/employer “unionization”.*
*General and lasting strike, passage of the factories to the hands of the workers, all production into the hands of the actual producers. *