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Alternative japanische Eisenbahngewerkschaft Doro Chiba in Solidarität mit dem Kampf für Demokratie in Hongkong

Japanische Eisenbahngewerkschaft Doro-ChibaAus Anlass der Verurteilung dreier Aktivisten in Hongkong zu mehrmonatigen Gefängnisstrafen am 02. Dezember 2020 hat die japanische Alternative Eisenbahngewerkschaft Doro Chiba am 07. Dezember eine Solidaritätserklärung mit dem Kampf um Demokratie in Hingkong beschlossen und veröffentlicht, die am 11. Dezember in englischer Übersetzung verbreitet wurde. In dieser Erklärung „We strongly denounce Chinese and Hong Kong governments for the suppression of pro-democracy movement and pledge our support for the activists in Hong Kong“ (die wir im Folgenden in eben englischer Übersetzung dokumentieren) wird insbesondere das in diesem Jahr verabschiedete sogenannte nationale Sicherheitsgesetz als entscheidende Maßnahme gegenwärtiger und künftiger Repression kritisiert. Als eine der entscheidenden Folgen dieser reaktionären Offensive wird die Attacke der Fluggesellschaft Cathay Pacific auf die Betriebsgewerkschaft im Unternehmen hervorgehoben, das sämtliche Vereinbarungen zwischen Unternehmen und Gewerkschaft zum Jahresende 2020 aufkündigte – eine Gewerkschaft, die mit 5.300 Mitgliedern zu den großen Gewerkschaften Hongkongs gehört. Es wird in der Erklärung nachdrücklich unterstrichen, dass der Kampf gegen unabhängige, kämpferische Gewerkschaften überall auf der Welt Bestandteil und zentrales Element reaktionärer Angriffe darstellt, so eben auch in Hongkong. Doro Chiba ruft abschließend dazu auf, gemeinsam mit den Gewerkschaftern und Gewerkschafterinnen in Hongkong für eine internationale kämpferische Gewerkschaftsbewegung einzutreten. Siehe dazu die Erklärung von Doro Chiba:

We strongly denounce Chinese and Hong Kong governments for the suppressionon
of pro-democracy movement and pledge our support for the activists in Hong Kong

Three Hong Kong young pro-democracy activists, Wongzhifung,  Jauting and  Lamlongyin, who had been prosecuted and out on bail on charges of organizing and inciting an unauthorized assembly surrounding the police headquarters on June 21, 2019, were remanded in custody on November 23, 2020. All three were handed prison sentences on December 2. Wongzhifung received a 13-and-a-half-month sentence, while Jauting will spend 10 months behind bars. Lamlongyin was sentenced to 7 months. Angry voices are bursting out from all over the world against the outrageous sentences.

After the National Security Lawwasenacted and enforced on June 30, the Hong Kong government stepped up the crackdowns on pro-democracy activists who call for true universal suffrage in elections and raise other demands for democracy. More than 30 activists have been arrested under the National Security Law. In August, 12 activists were arrested by China’s coastguard at sea as they tried to flee to Taiwan. Under increasingly tightened regulation and suppression on mass media, Hong Kong Police raided pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily, arrested TV directors and so on.

Such oppression against pro-democracy activists by Chinese and Hong Kong governments is an outrageous act and totally unacceptable. As Hong Kong workers are appealing to all over the world, “Workers’ rights cannot be protected where there is no democracy”—we see the truth in it. Japanese workers stand firmly for the Hong Kong’s fight for democracy and resolutely denounce the oppression of Chinese and Hong Kong governments.

In line with the crackdown on pro-democracy activists, personnel cutback is increasing and attacks on labor unions are intensifying. In the midst of the huge protest against the enactment of the National Security Law and the widespread of COVID-19, Cathay Pacific Airways announced a mass dismissal of some 5,300 Hong Kong-based workers and issued a unilateral notice to the related union of canceling usual collective bargaining at the end of the year.Furthermore, the government is planning to impose punishment on medical workers of Hospital Authority (HA) Employees Alliance who waged 5-day strike last February demanding the government seal all borders with mainland China to curb the spread of COVID-19. 

Hong Kong workers have been taking the lead in pro-democracy movement since last year. While in the fight for democracy, they have set up many new labor unions. A large-scale attack on vigorously developing labor movements has started exploiting the expansion of COVID-19 under the National Security Law.

We go hand-in-hand with Hong Kong workers who fight unyieldingly against unfair labor practices, undeserved punishments and unjust dismissals. We exert ourselves to create militant labor movements from our workplaces.

Hong Kong’s protest movement is now closely linked with all struggles of the world. It inspires and encourages every fight all over the world. Thailand’s pro-democracy movement is connected directly with Hong Kong’s movement. Chinese people are also paying attention to Hong Kong’s protest.  The victorious future of the struggles of Hong Kong and all around the world lies only in the advance of international solidarity. Here is a way to break through the suppression of the ferocious National Security Law.

Don’t let an unjust suppression on 3 pro-democracy activists!
Victory to pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong
Let’s unite with Hong Kong workers and create militant labor movements!

December 7, 2020
International Labor Solidarity Committee of Doro-Chiba

Kurzlink: https://www.labournet.de/?p=183143
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