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21. Dezember: Globaler Protesttag gegen die Verhaftungen von ArbeiteraktivistInnen in China
Inzwischen sind gegen 5 der rund 20 am 3. Dezember 2015 überfallartig festgenommenen südchinesischen GewerkschaftsaktivistInnen Haftgründe offiziell benannt worden: „Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung“, ein sechster soll wegen Unterschlagung angeklagt werden. Nun hat es ja eine gewisse internationale Tradition, Proteste beispielsweise als „Rowdytum“ zu bewerten und entsprechende Anklagen zu erheben. Aber in einem Land, in dem einst offiziell Rebellion als gerechtfertigt bewertet wurde und in dem heute – als Beispiel – ein Unternehmen wie Foxconn kontinuierlich Tote verantwortet, ganz ohne damit die öffentliche Ordnung zu stören, ist diese Vorgehensweise nicht nur besonders peinlich, sondern zeigt, sehr unfreiwillig, auch den Charakter dieser öffentlichen Ordnung auf. Umso mehr gerechtfertigt also der Aufruf der Gruppierungen, die in der Solidaritätskampagne zur Freilassung der AktivistInnen mitarbeiten, am 21. Dezember 2015 einen globalen Protesttag vor chinesischen Einrichtungen zu organisieren, verbunden mit einem Protestbrief an die Regierung der VR China. Siehe dazu zwei aktuelle Meldungen sowie den Text des Aufrufs zum 21. Dezember und den Musterbrief:
- „The December 3 crackdown is class struggle“ am 17. Dezember 2015 bei libcom.org
ist die Übersetzung eines chinesischen Textes ins Englische von dem die AutorInnen schreiben, dass sie die Aussagen nicht völlig teilen, ihn aber deswegen interessant finden, weil es der erste ihnen bekannt gewordene linke Text aus China zu diesen Ereignissen ist
- „Updates on the Guangdong Seven: December 9 through 16“ hier ebenfalls am 17. Dezember 2015 bei libcom.org
ist die laufend fortgesetzte Chronologie der Ereignisse rund um die Verhaftung der AktivistInnen auf die LabourNet Germany auch in der bisherigen Berichterstattung bereits verschiedentlich hingewiesen hat
- „Call for Global Solidarity Action on Dec 21 to support detained labour activists“ ist der Aufruf der Hongkonger Gruppierungen in der Solidaritätsbewegung zum globalen Protesttag am 21. Dezember 2015, inklusive Muster-Protestbrief
Call for Global Solidarity Action on Dec 21 to support detained labour activists
We appeal for your solidarity support to the Chinese labour activists in Guangdong Province facing suppression by the Chinese Government.Four Labour NGOS were suddenly“raided” by the Police since Dec 3 and 25 Labour NGOs staff and volunteers were detained and questioned by police. Six of them namely,Zeng Fei-yang, He Xiao-bo, Zhu Xiao-mei, Deng Xiao-ming, Peng Jia-yong and Liu Xiao-ming are confirmed tohavebeencriminally detained. Five of them were charged with „disturbance of social order” and He Xiao-bo with embezzlement.It has not been possible to contacttwoof theotheractivists since Dec 3.
Labour NGOs have played a significant role in supporting the Chinese workers in their exercise oftheir fundamental labour rights in their pursuit in the improvement of working conditions and protection of their rights under the Chinese labour law. This wave of arrest is by far one of the most serious attacks on the civil society and labour rights movement in recent years.
This is also a serious violation of fundamental human rights and labour rights.On the 8th day of their detention, they are denied access to lawyers and two of them are still unable to be contacted. Besides, a detained female activist was denied of her right to breastfeed for her ten month old infant during detention.
In addition to launch an online petition <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12pF9Ajb0NhbCZLLVOwKFx3WkzYsD1FHCxXzD9Lby7oY/viewform>to support these labour activists, HKCTU, Globalization Monitorandseverallabour NGOs in HK arecalling for collective action to fight forthe release of the Chinese labour activistsagain. In order to magnify our collective voice, we would invite you and your organisation to participate our Global Action Day on Dec 21.
Tips for participation:
1.Please protest in front of the China Embassy or choose a famous landmark nearby at your country on Dec 21 (Monday).
2.Take photos of your groups holding a sign board of calling for release Chinese activists (attached a *sign board design*, just print to use!)
3.Send the protest photos with the sample letter (attached *Sample letter*) to Xijinping, president of PRC Government via content@mail.gov.cn, gov@govonline.cn
4.Please also forward / cc. the email with photos to us atfreegzactivists@gmail.com after the action is done.
We would like to know your participation beforehead, please reply this email if you and your organisation can join this action on or before Dec 18, Friday.
Finally, if you or your organizations have not signed up our petition, please refer to this link: https://goo.gl/GTyGdG
Your support is important for this campaign. We will fight until all the labour activists are released
In solidarity, May Wong together the HK labour groups
Muster für Protestbrief an die Regierung der VR China
Email: content@mail.gov.cn, gov@govonline.cn
cc.: freegzactivists@gmail.com
President, People’s Republic of China
Mr. Xi jin-ping,
Call for the release of Guangzhou Labour Activists
Regarding the harsh and unexpected wave of detentions on labour NGOs based in Guangdong province in China from 3-5 December 2015; at least six labour activists were detained by the Police, we strongly condemn the abuse of police power to repress and intimidate labour organizations, preventing Chinese workers from pursuing their fundamental labour rights, including freedom of association and the right to strike and collective bargaining.
As a civil society group in __________(country), we are very concern about the labour right situation in China. We response to Global Action on calling for the release of Guangzhou Labour Activists and protest against the Chinese government regarding on the case in front of ___________(China Embassy/ Name of the landmark) as shown in the attached pictures. We ask for the immediate response of Chinese government to:
1. Release all the aforementioned detained labour activists.
2. Stop suppressing labour activists, labour organizations and civil society organizations.
3. Respect and protect the fundamental labour rights of all Chinese workers.
Name of the organization
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