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Nach Verhaftungen von studentischen AktivistInnen nun 2 Basis-Funktionäre des Gewerkschaftsbundes ACFTU – wegen ihrer solidarischen Unterstützung der Jasic-Kollegen!

Solidaritätsaktion mit den Jasic Gewerkschaftern in Hongkong am 31.7.2018Im Jasic-Konflict in der südchinesischen Industrie-Metropole Shenzhen hat der chinesische Gewerkschaftsbund ACFTU mit seinen 300 Mio Mitgliedern anscheinend angefangen, unter seinen Basis-Funktionären „aufzuräumen“: Zwei von ihnen wurden wegen ihrer solidarischen Unterstützung der Beschäftigten verhaftet… Kommentar eines Kollegen: “Even those within the system, if they have empathy for the workers, then they can be detained too“, siehe dazu den Reuters-Artikel „Two Chinese Trade Union Officials Arrested After Helping Workers“ vom 30.11.2018 bei The Epoch Times externer Link, aus dem keinerlei Protest des Gewerkschaftsbundes zu entnehmen war – wir bleiben dran! Siehe dazu:

  • [Nun ein ebenfalls inhaftierter Anwalt] Jasic crackdown extends to trade union officials and lawyers New
    Two grassroots trade union officials in Shenzhen, Zou Liping and Li Ao, and a lawyer, Huang Sha, who was representing workers and labour activists connected with the Jasic Technology dispute, have reportedly been detained by the authorities, bringing the total number of people still detained for supporting the right of workers to unionise to more than 30. (…) Zou Liping, who worked at the Zhukang Commune Trade Union, adjacent to the factory, helped Jasic workers with the application procedure to set up an enterprise union led by the representatives they had elected, a former Jasic worker told Reuters. She also provided legal advice throughout the process: “She hoped to solve the dispute through legal means, she displayed real devotion to her work at the union,” wrote the former worker on the Jasic Support Group’s GitHub page. “We are indignant and disheartened to hear that a union official who was dedicated to helping workers was taken away on 9 November,” the worker added. Zou’s colleague, Li Ao was detained around the same time, however little information related to his case has been published apart from the fact that both he and Zou were detained by police on suspicion of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”  (寻衅滋事罪). Zou and Li’s efforts were apparently disregarded by the district union, which reportedly worked with Jasic management to set up a union that excluded worker activists. Huang Sha, who was representing Jasic workers and the labour activists who supported them, was reportedly taken away from his home in Shenzhen by unidentified men on the evening of 30 November. In response, the Jasic Workers Support Group issued a statement protesting these “acts of shameless violence against Jasic workers’ supporters,” and demanding that the authorities conduct “an investigation into the reasons behind the detention of lawyer Huang Sha and guarantee his safety.”…“ Beitrag im China Labour Bulletin 04/12/2018 externer Link
Kurzlink: https://www.labournet.de/?p=140947
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