The introduction oft he so called „Hartz IV Reforms“ (or Agenda 2010) by the Schröder-Fischer government in 2004 was a really crucial point in the whole after WWII history of Germany, in reality it meant the end of social welfare state. In the article „TheHartz myth: A closer look at Germany’s labour market reforms“ by Christian Odendahl July, 10th, 2017 with the Centre For European Reform there is, despite critical remarks, a good introduction into the topic for „non german readers“. Surely it is not the question, if these so called reforms were the reason for economic success or for growing poverty – it was both, and it was aimed to be both. When Mr. Schulz in spring 2017 started his campaign as the social democratic candidate for chancellor, he initially won some points – by stating that he would introduce some (very tiny) reforms oft he reform. When he pulled off this point – because oft he strong reaction of german capitalists – he didn’t only loose this wins again: Everybody knows, it was Social Democracy who introduced Agenda 2010. Reading that article you can get an impression, why…
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The introduction oft he so called „Hartz IV Reforms“ (or Agenda 2010) by the Schröder-Fischer government in 2004 was a really crucial point in the whole after WWII history
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