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Seit zwei Monaten im Streik: Erneuter Polizeiüberfall auf indische Honda-Arbeiter
Die Auseinandersetzungen im Hondawerk in Tapakura, die am 16. Februar mit einer spontanen Betriebsbesetzuung begonnen hatten, die am nächsten Tag von einem massiven Polizeiaufgebot überfallen worden war, gehen immer noch weiter. Die rund 3000 Beschäftigten kämpfen prinzipiell gegen die Spaltung in Festangestellte und Zeitarbeiter – eine „Kostensenkungsstrategie“ die sowohl die zynische kapitalistische Wirklichkeit deutlich macht, als auch, erst recht: In Indien. Nun, nach zwei Monaten Kampf, mit zahlreichen anhängenden Schauprozessen gegen Aktivisten, bis – einmal mehr – hin zu fabrizierten Anklagen wegen Mordversuch, wurde der Belegschaft verboten, vor den Toren der Fabrik zu demonstrieren. Rund 1.000 Arbeiter wurden vorübergehend festgenommen und verschiedene Gruppierungen von Familien, die zur Demonstration wollten, auf dem Weg dorthin von der Polizei überfallen. Wir dokumentieren den Bericht „Honda Factory Workers brutally lathicharged by Rajasthan Police“ vom 18. April 2016 des Workers Solidarity Centre aus Gurgaon, in dem die prinzipielle Arbeiterfeindlichkeit der im Bundesstaat Rajasthan regierenden BJP (die auch die Bundesregierung innehat) nochmals hervorgehoben wird.
Honda Factory Workers brutally lathicharged by Rajasthan Police
April 18- Production at Gun point: The Honda workers again not allowed to protest in front of the factory in Tapukara this morning, nor anywhere else in this sham of a ‘democracy‘. Over 1000 workers have been picked up by the Rajasthan Police and are being taken away to a thana in Alwar at present.
Since 16 Feb, after brutal lathi-charge by joint Police forces of the BJP-ruled Rajasthan and Haryana on behest of the company, 44 workers jailed, 136 workers terminated from their jobs, almost 90 workers slapped with fabricated non-bailable cases including attempt to murder, and imposition of curfew-like conditions in the nearby districts.
Over 3000 workers – both permanent and contract – militate against the internal segmentation of labour by capital, and carry out united struggle trying to mobilize local worker-student-civilian population against the savage Company Raj.
While over 1000 Honda workers gathered to protest at Honda chowk in Tapukara (Alwar) today morning and were taken to the Police station, around 50 workers and their peasant-parents who were coming to join theProtest were brutally lathi-charged (once again) by the Rajasthan Police near Khuskhera. A Honda worker just said that they have all been released now, but were not even given water or medicines during the entire day in the police thana.
The marks of the State’s batons and guns keep on getting deeply etched on the bodies of the toilers day in and day out, to guard and compliment the marks on bodies and minds of workers in the production process, to produce your Honda Activa and Shine every 18 seconds. This is the underbelly of pernicious normalcy of the organisation of social life under capitalism. This is their blood-soaked ‘nationalism’ hinging on the sham of a ‘democracy’.
April18 ,Honda Tapukara workers’ heroic struggle completes two months…
In last two months, starting from the brutal police lathi charge on 16 February night, theworkers have sustained a heroic battle against so powerful an enemy, defying all odds. 44 workers have been jailed, 136 workers have been thrown out of their jobs, almost 90 workers have been slapped non bailable cases including attempt to murder against them and been hounded, so many times the have been lathi charged, so many nights they spent under the open sky, so many times they have been denied permission for even peacefully protest, be it at Tapukara or Alwar or Jaipur or Gurgaon or Dharuhera or so many other places because of ‘security threats’ and section 144.
The 3000 workers, both permanent and contract, became more determined and united in their struggle. They set up teams to communicate with other unions, with media, for food and shelter management, to organize decentralized demonstration in different District Headquarters of Rajasthan and Haryana, including Alwar, Churu, Ajmer, Fatehabad, Gurgaon etc. They sent representatives to Karnataka and Gujarat to build relationships with the workers of these two new plants of Honda. They contacted the newly hired contract workers of Tapukara plants, who were being used as the ‘strike-breakers’ by the management, and convinced many of them not to work there. They contacted the non-unionized workers of vendor companies of Honda in Tapukara. They contacted the local villagers at Tapukara-Khushkhera-Bhiwadi and saught their help. They distributed pamphlets in all these villages. They distributed pamphlets in different ITI institutions and asked the students not to join Honda, with some definite success.
They all assembl dat the Honda Chawk at Tapukara. Definitely there is no ‘legal’ permission for it. But they are determined to carry on their ‘illegal’ struggle against the ‘legal’ ruthless repression of capitalist class and their collaborators.
In spite of severe repressions, the flame of struggle shudders and threatens the corporate capital.
Workers and peasant-parents limp back to their homes again today, but this rage will grow to drown you out. And more than rage, it is an indomitable hope of a life beyond steely-eyed men guarding the doors of hell and co-option.
by Workers Solidarity Centre, Gurgaon-Bawal